This is to testify that I, Harold Godfrey Lowe, of Penrallt Barmouth, fifth officer of the late steamship Titanic, in my testimony at the Senate of the United States stated that I fired shots to prevent Italian immigrants from jumping into my lifeboat.
I do thereby cancel the word "Italian" and substitute the words "immigrants belonging to latin races." In fact, I did not mean to infer that they were especially Italians, because I could only judge from their general appearance and complexion, and therefore I only meant to imply that they were of the types of the Latin races. In any case, I did not intend to cast any reflection on the Italian nation.
This is the real truth, and therefore I feel honored to give out the present statement.
Source Reference
Correspondence of Harold G. Lowe
Harold Godfrey LoweDate
April 30, 1912
U.S. Senate InquiryCopyright Status
Public DomainThis is item can be used freely as part of Titanic Archive’s Open Access policy.