Historical Disclaimer
The content of this website has been created and researched using a wide variety of sources including:
- Newspaper Articles
- Books
- Broadcasts
- Documentaries
- Oral Histories
- Other primary sources
Titanic Archive sees a responsibility to preserve these accounts, most of all, the recollections of survivors, and their families, as it is because of those who survived that we know what happened that fateful night in April, 1912.
Because the accounts of the surviving passengers and crew are drawing on memory of personal experience days – and even decades – after the Titanic disaster, the facts can sometimes be obscured. These accounts should not be understood as statements of fact or opinion endorsed by Titanic Archive. This website also may contain links to other resources, but that does not amount to an endorsement or guarantee of their content.
There will be accounts on Titanic Archive that contain contradictions and fallacies, and where possible, Titanic Archive will provide historical context to frame the experience within the latest consensus view of Titanic historians and researchers.
A Note on Transcriptions
The transcriptions on this website preserve text and audio as read and heard from primary sources. In some cases, transcriptions may include corrections for names of passengers, crew, and related persons. Footnotes or notations in brackets will be included when changes are made to the primary source document or if text or audio is unintelligible.
The spelling of the names of the passengers and crew mentioned on Titanic Archive, as well as their ages and positions onboard, are based on original passenger and crew lists, other primary sources, and the latest information provided by biographies hosted on Encyclopedia Titanica.
Corrections and deeper discussion of the events of the Titanic disaster are welcome, provided they are supported by documented historical evidence. In that case, please contact us to request a revision.