Mrs. Edgar J. Meyer, of No. 158 West 68th street, whose husband was among those lost in the disaster, had only the highest respect to pay for the men on board the Titanic, including the officers and crew. She was picked up from a lifeboat by the Carpathia. After the first shock she and her husband ran to the lifeboats she said:
"I tried and tried to get Edgar to come into the lifeboat with me, and pleaded to be allowed to stay behind and wait until he could leave, he not caring to leave before all the women had been saved. Mr. Meyer finally persuaded me to leave him, reminding me of our one-year-old child at home. I entered the lifeboat and watched until the Titanic sank, but for only a short time did I see my husband standing beside the rail and assisting other women into the boats in which he might have been saved."
Mrs. Meyer, who is a daughter of the late Andrew Saks, was in an exhausted condition. She said since the death of her husband she had had little or no sleep. Mr. Meyer was vice-president of the Braden Copper Company, of this city.
Source Reference
Leila Meyer's New York Tribune Account
Leila MeyerDate
April 19, 1912
New York Tribune
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